Research Article
The Effect of Leadership Styles on Employee Motivation’s in Adama Hospital Medical College, Adama - Ethiopia
Awol Hussien Aman*
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
22 February 2024
9 May 2024
30 May 2024
Abstract: The objective of this study was to examine the effect of leadership Styles on Employee Motivation’s in Adama Hospital Medical College, Adama - Ethiopia. The study used descriptive and which incorporated both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The researcher was employed Systematic Random Sampling Technique techniques to distribute the questionnaire to the respondents. Data was collected by using both closed and open ended self-administered questionnaires and a total of one hundred sixty nine (169) questionnaires were returned. The results were analyzed and interpreted using SPSS software version 20. The scores are interpreted quantitatively and open-ended suggestions are interpreted qualitatively. The research indicated that there is positive strong and significant relationships are existed between Leadership Styles attributes (Laissez faire leadership and democratic leadership) and Extrinsic Employee Motivation Practices at (r =.946, p < 0.01 and r =.707 p < 0.01) respectively. But, no relationship existed between democratic leadership and autocratic leadership styles. Linear regression analysis also indicated that at 58.2% variance in employee motivation can be predicted from the combination of all Leadership Styles Dimensions. This indicates that combination of the predictors significantly combined together to predict employee motivation. The study found that majority of the respondents was motivated with most variables of intrinsic motivational practices in the organization. This also proves that intrinsic motivation practices can contributed positively for employee motivations in their jobs. However, the study also found that majority of the respondents was de-motivated with extrinsic motivational practices in the organization. Finally, the researcher believes that this paper is not exhaustive that could provide all lists of topic researched. However, it gives a bird-eye view on topic and it is open for further discussion and/or critics.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to examine the effect of leadership Styles on Employee Motivation’s in Adama Hospital Medical College, Adama - Ethiopia. The study used descriptive and which incorporated both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The researcher was employed Systematic Random Sampling Technique techniques to distribute th...
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Research Article
Understanding the Role of Structural Change Management from Employees’ Perspective: A Case Study for Hawassa Industrial Park
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
18 April 2024
14 May 2024
3 June 2024
Abstract: This qualitative research aimed to show that to exploring the understanding of the role of Structural change management from employees’ perspectives in Hawassa Industrial Parks under Ethiopian Industrial Parks Corporations. This specific study attempted to emphasize on the role of structural change management for structural change performance enhancement. The study on structural change management from employees’ perspectives employed qualitative exploratory method to capture the experience and perception of employee’s. For this specific study in the study area data source would be only primary data. Data collection method was semi-structured in-depth interview made with the eight employees and one supervisor from eighteen companies with in the Hawassa Industrial Park. The data were analyzed by using thematic &content analysis. The research on structural change management from employees’ perspectives has the finding of training related, experience related, perception related and administrative body related aspects hindering change management. Finally the study recommended that the companies in the industrial parks, National and regional government and industrial park’s administrative bodies should apply open door policy to exploit eternal opportunities and the employees in the companies also should be open wise to adapt as well as to exercise change management. Over-all study suggested some limitations for other researchers.
Abstract: This qualitative research aimed to show that to exploring the understanding of the role of Structural change management from employees’ perspectives in Hawassa Industrial Parks under Ethiopian Industrial Parks Corporations. This specific study attempted to emphasize on the role of structural change management for structural change performance enhan...
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Research Article
The Neuroscientific Validation of the Leadership Competency Model Drenica
Fadil Çitaku*
Hetem Ramadani
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
2 April 2024
15 April 2024
13 June 2024
Abstract: The Leadership Competency Model Drenica, developed by Çitaku and Ramadani in 2020, offers a comprehensive framework encompassing essential competencies crucial for effective leadership. However, validating the efficacy of these competencies necessitates exploring their neuroscientific underpinnings. This study conducted an extensive literature review to elucidate the neural mechanisms associated with each competency outlined in the Drenica model. The findings reveal a robust neuroscientific basis supporting these competencies, ranging from decision-making to communication and collaboration. Key neuroscientific validations include the role of prefrontal cortex activity and neurotransmitter balance in decision-making, the involvement of neural circuits in language processing and empathy for communication skills, and the contribution of neuroplasticity mechanisms to continuous learning and adaptability. Furthermore, the analysis underscores the importance of neurotransmitter systems such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin in shaping leadership behaviors across various competencies. Understanding the neural substrates of effective leadership allows organizations to tailor leadership development programs to enhance organizational outcomes and foster a culture of innovation and inclusivity. Integrating neuroscience into leadership studies holds promise for advancing the understanding of leadership effectiveness and facilitating evidence-based practices in leadership development. In essence, this study underscores the significance of the Drenica model as a versatile tool for leadership development, enriched by neuroscientific insights, thus paving the way for Neuoleadership—a paradigm that leverages neuroscientific principles to cultivate effective leadership behaviors and drive organizational success.
Abstract: The Leadership Competency Model Drenica, developed by Çitaku and Ramadani in 2020, offers a comprehensive framework encompassing essential competencies crucial for effective leadership. However, validating the efficacy of these competencies necessitates exploring their neuroscientific underpinnings. This study conducted an extensive literature revi...
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Research Article
How Does Corporate Image Attract Job Seekers – An Empirical Study of Moderated Mediation of Employer Image in Macao Food & Beverage Industry
Hong Wei*
Cao Chen
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
27 May 2024
17 June 2024
27 June 2024
Abstract: While organization image and employer image are two constructs highlighted in the employer attractiveness studies, what relationship between two images is yet unknown. This paper aims to investigate the relationship between two constructs, and further the employer image research from Younis and Hammad in 2019. The empirical study utilized self-administered questionnaires to collect primary data of employees in Macao Food and Beverage industry. From November 2022 to April 2023, 303 valid samples were recruited and organized. Using SPSS and Amos statistical software, the study found that both corporate image and employer image are predictors of organization attraction, and employer image plays as a partial mediator of employer attraction model. Simultaneously, organization attraction predicted job seekers' application intentions and person-organization fit has been significantly affecting the process of mediating and moderating process of hypothetical conceptual model. Findings suggested that an attractive employer brand could help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment. This study provided marginal contribution to the employer brand research and offers practical implications for the Macao Food and Beverage Industry. Theoretically, the study found effects of image transmitting in predicting organization attraction between corporate image and employer image and person-organization fit role during the transmission. In the practice, managers should consider different images when building organization attractiveness and highlight communication between organization image messages (corporate image and employer image) and recipients (job seekers), and to maximize effects of recruitment. More studies should be conducted to understand how different images are transferred.
Abstract: While organization image and employer image are two constructs highlighted in the employer attractiveness studies, what relationship between two images is yet unknown. This paper aims to investigate the relationship between two constructs, and further the employer image research from Younis and Hammad in 2019. The empirical study utilized self-admi...
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